"That's a good question," I replied. "They certainly wouldn't ship a box of dead chicks, would they?"
"So why does it say live? Why not just say 'chicks'?"
I thought for a moment. "Maybe to remind the post office people how important it is to take good care of them, because they are living things and not just some box of stuff?
"Well...," she said, gazing through the air holes in the box, as the chicks continued peeping back at her. "Of course people would want to take care of little chicks that are cute like these."
Indeed. Anyway, we are now the proud owners of 25 Barred Rock pullet chicks (to replace our aging laying flock), 12 mixed gender broiler chicks (wonderful eating in 6-8 weeks), 2 male Silver Leghorn chicks (to replace an absolutely beautiful rooster that was hit by a car a couple of years ago; we got two in case one dies), and the one exotic "mystery" chick that McMurray Hatchery always includes with orders of chicks.
Meanwhile, several deaths later, the turkey poults are doing well. The "d
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